Harbourfront Blues Festival
What do you suppose Teddy is thinking?
The concert came to sudden stop when Chuck decided to take an air piano solo
He thought about it for a while and then...
he lifted his right leg...
For some reason, Al was suddenly overtaken by the lyrics he was singing...
Al still wears his id bracelet from the hospital he was born at
Once again, not only does this guy sound good...he looks good too!
He looked into the Food Tent and longed for a Purple Pig Sandwich...
If this were a poster for an upcoming movie...
Al Lerman as "The Pirate Lover"
Teddy's guitar playing made his own hair stand on end...
As Al looked deep inside himself for the true meaning of this song,
John reached down and sang from the bottom of his heart...
Teddy and Omar were exchaning "knock, knock" jokes...
It was at this moment, that Teddy looked over and thought to himself,
"Omar, you're a beautiful human being...I love you very much"
The sad thing is that Omar never even knew...